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Whiteshell Laboratories

Waste Management & Transportation

Responsible Storage and Disposal of On-Site Waste in Restoration Efforts

A major part of the restoration includes the safe storage and disposal of on-site waste including both hazardous and non-hazardous. Waste that was produced on site has been located/stored in three main areas since the site was built, which include:

  • Main laboratory campus;
  • Concrete canisters storage facility - includes 16 above ground storage silos for used fuel. This waste will be transported to Chalk River and stored in similar fashion, until a national storage disposal site is built;
  • Waste Management Area - structures that include trenches, concrete bunkers, below-grade concrete silos (called standpipes), and other storage methods.

While a majority of waste will be safely removed from the site, the WR-1 reactor is being proposed and seeking regulatory approval to remain in situ, meaning left in place.

This year, work is ramping up at Whiteshell to remove items that have been contaminated with low level radiation like gloves and mops.

In the coming months, we will also welcome an exciting new piece of equipment that will safely remove, sort, and package waste with higher levels of radiation that can’t be handled by people. Once packaged, the waste will be safely shipped to a long-term storage area in Chalk River, Ontario.

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