The following technical documents have been prepared
to support approval of the NSDF.

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC)

As Canada’s nuclear regulator, the CNSC regulates the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect health, safety, security and the environment.

Before CNL can move forward with building the NSDF, there are two regulatory decisions. The licence for the Chalk River Laboratories site needs to be modified and CNL needs to obtain approval on the federal environmental assessment for NSDF, which was launched in 2016.

As the regulator and responsible authority for the environmental assessment, the decision on whether or not the NSDF will be built lies with the CNSC.

The CNSC is conducting a two part public hearing on the NSDF. Through this hearing process, the CNSC will make a decision on whether CNL can build the NSDF and whether the project met all the environmental assessment requirements.

  • Part One of the hearing focuses on technical aspects of the proposed project. This will occur on February 22, 2022.
  • Part Two of the hearing will focus on public and Indigenous submissions or interventions about the project. Part Two is planned to begin on May 31, 2022.

Public materials

Agenda for August 10, 2023 Public Hearing - Ref. CMD 23-H11

Final Written Submission – Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Application for the Construction of the Near Surface Disposal Facility – CMD 22-H7.1F

Notice of Adjournment of Public Hearing 

Revised Notice of Public Hearing and Procedural Guidance for Final Submissions (Revision 2) 

Revised Notice of Public Hearing and Procedural Guidance for Final Submissions

Notice of Public Hearing and Procedural Guidance for Final Submissions

Application for Licence Amendment to add the NSDF to the Chalk River Laboratories Licensing Basis 

Revised Notice of Public Hearing 

Procedural Direction

Guidance for Filing Additional Submissions 

Part 2 Documents 

Part 1 Documents and links: 

CNL's Commission Member Document 

This document was submitted by CNL to the CNSC Commission and is an application to amend its Chalk River Laboratories site licence. 

CNSC's Commission Member Document  

This document was prepared by CNSC staff to support consideration of CNL's application. 

Show your support for the NSDF

NSDF 2021 Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

The EIS is the main document for the NSDF's environmental assessment. It describes the analysis of alternatives, a process of public and Indigenous engagement, studies of baseline conditions, and assessment of project activities during the construction, operation, closure and post-closure phases of the NSDF Project.  

Interactive Executive Summary 
Executive Summary 
Appendices to support Final EIS 

NSDF Technical Documents & Reports

NSDF Environmental Assessment Follow-up Monitoring Program

CNL will undertake a robust follow-up monitoring program as one of the conditions if the environmental assessment is approved. This document explains the plans for these recommended sampling studies/programs. 

Draft Environmental Assessment Follow-Up Monitoring Program for the NSDF 

NSDF Safety Case

The overall safety objective of the NSDF is to protect people, society and the environment by establishing and maintaining an effective defense against radiological and other (e.g., chemical) hazards.  

The safety case explains how safety is achieved throughout the entire lifecycle of the facility. This document:  

  • explains CNL’s rationale for why the NSDF design is the appropriate solution sited in the right location for the disposal of low-level waste;  
  • describes the methods used to determine any potential impacts from the project on human health and safety, and the environment; and,   
  • demonstrates CNL’s ability to construct, operate and monitor the facility in a manner that is protective of people and the environment.   

NSDF Safety Case

International Review Panel Report

An international subject matter expert panel was convened to review drafts of the NSDF safety case and impact assessment documents. This document includes their observations which were used to improve the final documents and strengthen the NSDF project overall.  

Review Panel Report 

NSDF Waste Acceptance Criteria and Reference Inventory Report

The NSDF will contain only low-level nuclear waste such as industrial debris, contaminated soils, and discarded rags. All waste will be inspected and categorized before it is carefully placed into the ECM. These documents explain the specific acceptance criteria and proposed inventory to be added to the NSDF.  

Waste Acceptance Criteria  
Reference Inventory Report 

CNL Integrated Waste Strategy

This document lays out CNL’s strategy for effective and efficient elimination of nuclear liabilities across Canada.  

Integrated Waste Strategy 

CNSC-CNL Administrative Protocol

This document sets out an agreed protocol between Canada’s nuclear regulator, the CNSC, and CNL for the process to consider the NSDF for approval. Appendix A includes the key milestones and dates for the environmental assessment and licensing process.

Administrative Protocol  
Appendix A: Revisions 

2022 Public Attitude Survey of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ Chalk River Site

2022 Public Attitude Survey of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories’ Chalk River Site

Survey of Pontiac and Renfrew Counties | Summary
Conducted by Nanos for the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, February 2022
Submission 2022-2052

Survey Results


2022 Survey Infographic

As part of CNL’s continuing efforts to engage with the community about its work and ask for community feedback, Nanos Research conducted a phone survey of local residents from February 9-16, 2022.
These are some of the results.

Please visit CNL’s main website for additional technical documents about the NSDF.  

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